Super Adventure Island is the fourth game in Hudson's Adventure Island series. It was released the same year as New Adventure island for the TurboGrafx-16 (also known as the PC Engine) and Adventure Island III for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES.) It was released between these other two titles, chronoligically speaking, but it was the only one released for Nintendo's premier console. The TurboGrafx-16 was, in fact, developed by Hudson themselves to compete against Nintendo, Sega, and SNK, however, releasing games onto Nintendo consoles was needed to make the money they needed.
In the stage leading up to the first boss, a jump is required that is very literally impossible without being aware of the game's Super Mario Brother 2-esque super jump ability, seemingly ignoring the player who has not read through the manual, leaving them to be confused and frustrated. Back in 1992, this meant that players who purchased the game would have the advantage of familiarity with necessary details of the controls while likely being disappointed with the game's 30 to 45 minute playtime. Meanwhile, players who rented the game would have been out of luck without some lucky experimentation. In my opinon, this kind of outdated game design, along with the game's lack of content, kept the game from being a true hit.